
Will I Ever Need to Replace My Car’s Thermostat?

If you drive an older automobile or a classic automobile, CAR FIX in Maryville advises that there will come a point when you will need to replace the thermostat. On average, a car thermostat lasts about 150,000 miles or 10 years. If you notice any of the problems listed below, bring your vehicle to our shop right away so we can inspect the thermostat and replace it if necessary. Driving your automobile with a bad thermostat can cause serious engine damage that may be irreparable.

Corrosion on the Thermostat

It’s a good idea to visibly inspect the thermostat if you drive an older automobile. You should do this regularly to make sure you don’t see any corrosion on the thermostat. If you do see corrosion, your thermostat is leaking slowly out of the coolant valve. This is the valve the thermostat opens to release the coolant into the engine. This slow leak will cause the coolant to pool around the thermostat and harden. The coolant will then start to feed on the metal housing that surrounds the thermostat.

Leaking Engine Coolant

Eventually, the coolant may eat all the way through the metal housing and you will end up with leaking coolant on the garage floor. You can check your coolant level when the engine is cold. Check the level in the radiator and in the overflow reservoir. If the level is low and the color of the coolant matches the spots or puddles on the garage floor, it’s a safe bet that your engine is leaking coolant. In this case, the coolant is leaking out of the thermostat. It can also leak out of the water pump or an old radiator.

Erratic Engine Temperatures

One thing that definitely points to the thermostat is erratic engine temperature changes. In other words, you are driving along and your temperature gauge is moving between cold and hot consistently. This is a sign the thermostat is releasing the coolant into the engine in spurts and at the wrong times. Your temperature should rise steadily to normal as the engine heats up and then it should stay there. If the gauge needle is moving up and down, there’s a problem with the thermostat.

Overheating Constantly

Finally, all of these things can make your car’s engine overheat constantly. You may end up with an overheating problem because the thermostat is leaking and you have low coolant levels in the cooling system. The thermostat may also malfunction and refused to release the coolant into the engine.

Call CAR FIX in Maryville, TN, today to schedule an appointment for your automobile if you are experiencing any of the problems listed above.


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